Our Vision
Our vision of education is deeply rooted in the broad CMI vision of education which aims at producing intellectually competent, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired men and women inculcating in them a genuine love of God and man and a deep respect for the cultural and spiritual heritage of India.

Keeping in close allegiance with the vision we profess, we intend to discharge the following functions which we consider to be the unique mission of our institution:
To grow as a blessed institution that enables teachers and students to grow in the true love of knowledge and to mould its students as responsible citizens without prejudice or complexes and thereby create a just and humane society where dignity of the human person is respected, unjust social structures are challenged, cultural heritage of ahimsa, religious harmony and national integration are upheld and the poor and the marginalized are specially taken care of.
To prepare the youth of the 21st century by promoting international brotherhood, environmental conscience, gender justice and sense of harmony.