A Critical analysis of T S Elliot’s poem “Journey of the Magi” based on his theory of Impersonality.Our Heritage, vol.68, January 2020, pp. 106.
Ghost as an extension of human psyche in Charles Dickens“Ghost Stories”. Our Heritage, vol. 68, February 2020, pp. 731.
Following a Dream: A journey through the dreams of Langston Hughes. Our Heritage, vol. 67, January 2020, pp. 255.
Dismantling the boundaries of folk and classical artforms-A journey through K Sachithananthan article “REFLECTIONS:The folk and the classical interrogating the boundaries”. Our Heritage, vol. 67, January 2020, pp. 311. An analysis of the “Matrix with special emphasize on Jean Bauddilard’sSimulacra and Simulation.Studies in Indian Place Names, vol. 40, January 2020, pp. 1890.
War as a major theme in Khaled Hosseins Novel. Sambodhi, vol. 43, October 2020, pp. 89.
Class Differences as portrayed in an Afghan Novel. Sambodhi, vol. 43, October 2020, pp. 98.
An Analysis of Walter Benjamin Essay on Language as Such and Language of Man. .Kalasarovar, vol. 3, October 2020, pp. 97.
Hijras in Celluloid: An Indian Perspective. Sambodhi, vol. 2, October 2020, pp. 10.
Right to Write: Literary Controversies and Conversational Literatures. Praxis International Journal of Social Science and Literature, vol. 3, August 2020, pp. 8.
Post Humanism and some concerns : An introspection into the film Avatar Josephine Researcher, vol·6, March 2023, pp·134.