1. B.A. English – Manonmanian Sundaranar University – 2014
2. M.A. English – Manonmanian Sundaranar University – 2017
3. Ph.D. English – Manonmanian Sundaranar University – 2021
1. Published an article entitled “Atiq Rahimi’s The Patience Stone: A
Confession of a Hecatomb to a Comatose Husband ” in The
Criterion (UGC Approved journal) Volume 8 Issue 3, June 2017.
2. Published an article entitled “Representation of Interest as a
Catalyst for English language Teaching” in IJELLH (UGC
Approved journal) Volume 6 Issue 3 March 2018.
3. Published an article entitled “Depiction of Water as a Nondirective
Therapist in Matthew Arnold’s “Dower beach” in The Creative
Launcher (UGC Approved journal) Volume 3 Issue 1 April 2018.
4. Published an article entitled “A Revolution in Love: Chetan Bhagat’s
Revolution 2020” in Impressions: A Bi-Annual Referred e-journal of
English Studies (UGC Approved journal) Volume 13 Issue 1 January 2019.
5. Published an article entitled “Psyche of Immigrants in Manju Kapur’s
The Immigrant” in Suraj Punj Journal for Multidisciplinary Research
(UGC Approved journal) Volume 9 Issue 4 April 2019.
6. Published an article entitled “Celebration of Ethics in Marriage: A Study
on Manju Kapur’s Custody” in Studies in Indian Place Names (UGC Care
Listed Journal) Volume 40 Issue 50 April 2020.
7. Published an article entitled “Celebration of Ethics: A Reminiscence of
Forsaken Vision of Literature in Manju Kapur’s Select Novels” in
Journal of Education: Rabindra Bharati University (UGC Care Listed Group
I Journal) Volume 23 Issue 2021.
8. Published an article entitled “Justification of Cultural Beliefs in Nadia
Hashimi’s One Half from the East” in anvesak- A Bi-annual Journal (UGC
Care Listed Group I Journal) Volume 51 Issue 01 January to June 2021.
1.Participated and presented paper entitled “ Representation of
Woman as a Hecatomb in Atiq Rahimi’s The Patience Stone” in the
students’ level national seminar on Representation of Women in
literature onFebruary 15, 2017.
2. Participated and presented paper entitled “ Representation of
Water as a Nondirective Therapist in Matthew Arnold’s
“Dower beach” in two dayinternational seminar on Aquatic
Literature on August 18 and 19, 2017.
3. Participated and presented paper entitled “ Remappingthe Concept
of Love in Chetan Bhagat’s Revolution 2020” in two day
international conference on Well Being on November 6 and 7, 2017.
4. Participated and presented paper entitled “ Psyche of Immigrants in
Manju Kapur’s the Immigrants” in the UGC sponsored two day
National Conference on Post Colonial Literatures on 22& 23February,
5. Participated and presented paper entitled “ Exposing Water as a
Healer in Matthew Arnold’s “Dover Beach”” in the one day National
Seminar on Green Literatures on March 7, 2018.
6. Participated and presented paper entitled “ Voice of Attention: Emily
Dickinson’s “That it Will Never Come Again””in the One dayNational
conference on Literature Language and life on March 24, 2018.
7. Participated and presented paper entitled “ Conjugal Ties in Manju
Kapur’s Custody” in the UGC sponsored Two day National Seminar
on Indian Literature: Texts and Contexts on August 13th&14th, 2018.
8. Participated and presented paper entitled “ Deconstruction of
Marxism in Chetan Bhagat’sRevolution 2020” in the One day
National Seminar on Marxian Paradigms in Contemporary Literature
on October 24, 2018.
9. Participated and presented paper entitled “Cultural Justification in
Nadia Hashimi’s One Half Fron the East”in the ICSSR Sponsored
Two day National Colloquium on Culture in Contemporary Literature
and Language on January 4th and 5th, 2019.
10.Participated and presented paper entitled “Re-Construction of
Colonialism in the select Poems of Rasaq Malik” in a Two day
International Conference on Reminiscence of Revolutionary Reality of
African Literature on January 10th and 11th, 2019.
11.Participated and presented paper entitled “ Spirituality a philosophical
Reading of Vairamuthu’s Lyrics” in the Two dayNational Conference
on Regional Literatures in Translation and Author’s Meet on
February7th and 8th, 2019.
12.Participated and presented paper entitled “ Inspiring Life of the Lifeless:
A Study of the Select Novels of Manju Kapur”in the UGC sponsored One
day International Conference on Transnational and Trancultural Trending
in Contemporary South Asian Literatures on February14th, 2019.
13.Participated and presented paper entitled “ Celebration of Ethics: A
Reminiscence of Forsaken Vision in Manju Kapur’s Select Novels”
in the National Seminar on Teaching with Integrity: Professional Ethics
in Higher Education on February 24th& 25th , 2020.
1.Participated and successfully completed the one-week International Online Faculty Development Programme from 18th to 24th October 2021, organized by the Department of English, Pondicherry University.
2.Participated and successfully completed the 7-Day National Level Online Faculty Development Program on Outcome Based Education (OBE) organised by St. James College of Nursing and St. James College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chalakudy in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council from 08 March to 15 March 2023.
1. Associate NCC Officer, NCC Subunit St. Joseph’s College Moolamattom since 11/06/2022.
2. Performed as a Resource Person and delivered a talk on “Effective Teaching Learning Mechanism” at the Faculty Orientation Programme on 20/08/2022 at Golden International School, Mundavilai, Verkilambi Post, Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
3. Appointed as a question paper setter for the November 2022 Semester Examinations of Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil – 629 003, Kanniyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India.
Name : | Dr. Alex E R |
Qualification : | M.A, B.Ed, PhD. |
Designation : | Assistant Professor |