
Mahatma Gandhi (MG) University Examinations

The college is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi (MG) University. The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two parts; (a) External Evaluation and (b) Internal Assessment. 20% weight shall be given to the internal assessment. The remaining 80% weight shall be for the external evaluation. The end semester examinations are conducted as per the schedule provided by the university.

Internal/ Mid-Semester/ Model Examinations

The performance of every student is subject to a periodical assessment by the teachers concerned in addition to the conventional external examination. The marks awarded to the students in the internal assessment will be forwarded to the University for inclusion in the final mark sheet.

1. There will be two Internal Examinations in a semester.

2. A progress report will be given to the guardian giving details of the progress in studies, classes attended and the remarks of the Principal.

3. Students are not allowed to absent themselves from exams, test papers, compositions and internal assessment.

4. It shall be the duty of each teacher to keep a neat record of the internal tests and assignments of the papers he/she is incharge of, in the register provided for the purpose. The internal assessment register shall be made available for inspection as and when demanded by the Principal or the HOD.

5. The valued scripts should be given back to the students within a week after the conduct of the tests/assignments and the marks should be entered in the register provided.

6. Common internal exams will be held in the months of July and August for the semesters I, III & V and in the months of January and February for the Semesters II, IV & VI. In addition to the above, weekly testpapers are conducted on a regular basis to improve the result.

7. No student shall be allowed to complete the programme by attending more than 12 continuous semesters.

8. For all courses without practical*

a. Marks of external examination : 80

b. Marks of internal evaluation : 20

Internal Evaluation Marks

Attendance 5

Assignment / Seminar / Viva 5

Test papers (2×5 = 10) 10

Total 20

9. For all courses with practical

a. Marks of external examination : 60

b. Marks of internal evaluation : 15

Internal Evaluation Marks

Attendance 5

Assignment / Seminar / Viva 2

Test papers (2×4) 8

Total 15

* However, for certain courses, if any other mode of distribution is prescribed in the syllabus, the marks should be awarded accordingly.