Institutional Distinctiveness

The college takes special interest in the moral growth of the students. The students come from various backgrounds –rural, urban, rich, poor, well-educated, socially acceptable and unacceptable backgrounds. The mission of the college is to provide them an opportunity to grow to responsible and competent personalities, overcoming all these barriers. We arrange moral classes by competent faculty on a monthly basis. The college arranges facilities for all students to start their day with meditation from 8.45 to 9.30 in the morning. Yoga practice is imparted to all students. Special care is taken to ensure that no student is ill-treated by either colleagues or by the authorities on the basis of religion, caste or gender. Any violation of these rules is taken seriously, and necessary action will be taken. The students are directed to wear uniforms three days a week. This will help them to overcome differences based on social status. The differently-abled students are brought to the main stream by encouraging them to take part in all regular activities. In selecting class representatives and prefects, gender equality is strictly followed. The teacher – student relationship is always kept warm, while following the practices of respecting teachers.