- About Library
- Library Staff
- General Services
- ICT Enabled Services
- Library Extension Services
- Library Advisory Committee
- Library Guidelines
- Gallery
The College library was established in the year 1981 with a view to preserve and disseminates knowledge to the academic communities. The library has large collections of books, national-international journals, magazines, and periodicals, professional studies, PhD Thesis, Dissertations, Project Reports, Annual Reports, CD’s, Conference Proceedings, Previous years University Question Papers and News paper Documentations etc. Also well equipped with online database like UGC INFLIBNET N-LIST & DELNET.
We are conducting various User Awareness Programs and hands on training in online database like UGC INFLIBNET N-LIST& DELNET.
Having space of 2800 sq.ft and a collection of 21110 books, 12 journals, and 10 periodicals on all relevant subjects. Back Volumes of Periodicals and Journals are bounded and kept for reference. Previous years College Handbook, College Newsletter “Throbs” and previous year’s manuscript magazines are kept for reference. A Career Guidance Cell is also operated in the library to give the students information regarding career and job opportunities. The Central Library functions in the ground floor of the College. There are three separate sections – one for the newspapers, periodicals and journals, second one for subject books and the third one for career guidance and reference books. In addition to the 21,100 books, the College subscribes journals, newspapers and periodicals. E-journals and E Books are also subscribed through the NLIST facility of UGC INFLIBNET portal. The services of a Librarian and an Assistant Librarian are made available on all working days.
College is well connected with Wi-fi and the library is fully automated with e-library solutions software. Online web OPAC system is used for the searching of library resources.

Designation:UGC Librarian
Book Lending Service
User Orientation Service
Inter Library Loan
Magazines and News Papers
Reference Service
R & D Services
Current Awareness Service (In the Press Today)
Reprography Service
Technical Consultancy Service
Proficiency Centre
Property Counter
Documentation Services
Previous year University Question papers
Email Alert
Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
Bar-Code technology for Circulation of documents
On-line Database search facility
Information Navigation Centre ( Number of Systems – 05)
Digital Repository
Library Web2.0 Tools (Library Blog, Social Networks etc)
Journal Content Alert Service
In The Press Today – Daily News Service
New arrival alert service
Online Article Request
Special Service for Visually Challenged Users
Professional Training.
Internal Extension Services
It includes User Orientation Programmes, Library Awareness Service at the beginning of every academic year. The users are supplied with Library Brochure and User Guidelines. Hands on training on Library software UGC INFLIBNET N-List and DELNET.
External Extension Services
Library Programmes
Book Donation Campaigns
Library Consultancy Services for Academic and Non-academic Libraries
Library Setting Up Programmes & Projects (School/Colleges/Departments)
Book Fairs & Exhibitions
Library Orientation
Library Tour
Library Reference Service to Outside Academicians and Research Aspirants
Library Consortium: To coordinate activities, share resources, and combine the expertise of a group of libraries.
Advisory Committee consists of Head of the institution, Librarian, Heads of departments and Representative from students. This committee is giving in the recommendation of matters regarding the purchase of books, equipment, developments in infrastructure, maintenance. The Library advisory committee meets once in three months.
Library Advisory Committee Members
1. Principal
2. Librarian
3. HoD, Department of Commerce
4. HoD, Department of English
5. HoD, Department of Economics
6. Student Representative
General Rules
The members of the staff and students of the College are entitled to the use of the College library and reading room.
The library and reading room will function from 9.00 a. m. to 4. 00 p. m. on all working days. On holidays other than Sunday and public holidays, the library and reading room remain open from 10.00 am to 4.00 p.m.
Strict silence should be observed in and around the library. Students are allowed to take only a note book into the library hall. Other printed materials, bags, laptops, umbrellas etc., should be left at the entrance
Students should produce their identity cards if demanded by the library staff.
Students may take periodicals from the shelf after entering their names in the Periodicals Issue Register. The periodicals must be put back in the same place after reading. Periodicals will be lent for one day after 15 days of their arrival.
The maximum period of loan for books is fixed for 14 days. Students may also take books for reference to be used within the library. Those who fail to return books after 14 days will have to pay a fine of Rs 1.00 only per day. If a book is not returned within a month that book will be considered lost.
Only two books at a time will be issued to the degree students. The P. G. students may take three books at a time. Issue will be made to them only on the basis of the availability of the books. Students are not allowed to take books from the shelves without the permission of the library staff. They shall not handle books carelessly or put them in a haphazard manner.
The members of the staff may keep books (maximum ten) only for fourteen days. Books shall not be lent through messenger but returned through them.
No person shall tear out, write upon or make any mark in any book or article belonging to the library. A book, if damaged or lost by a member he/ she have to pay a fine at the rate of three times the cost of the books.
Before leaving the counter the members should examine the book borrowed and report to the library staff any damage found therein. If they fail to do so, they will be held responsible for any damage detected afterwards.
The librarian may recall from a borrower any book at any time.
Students shall not exchange their borrower’s cards and books borrowed from the library. All the students are asked to return their borrowers cards by the end of their course.
Since the library is fully automated members shall have the facility to search for the books and other details from the software.
Students who lost Library Card should pay a fine whenever they apply for their certificates from the office.
Library Rules for PhD Scholars
The library will function on all working days of the college from 9.00am to 4.00 pm.
All Research scholars shall be issued five books at a time which will be returnable on the 15th day from the date of issue, after which will fetch appropriate penalty as decided by the library committee from time to time.
The issue/return of books will be strictly allowed during the time 9 am to 3 pm on all days except Sundays and public holidays.
Journals, magazines, student’s dissertations, PhD thesis and reference books are not to be issued. You can take them only for reference.
All Research scholars are required to register their entry and exit in the library gate register
The Scholars can use the laptop & Wi-fi facility in the library only for the educational purposes.
Research scholars are not allowed to take any personal belongings in the library other than writing materials.
Other rules and services are as per the general rules of the library.
Library Rules for Retired Staff Members &Outsider Reference
The Outsiders Library admission is restricted to Friday & Saturday only from 10am to 4pm.
Identity Card and a recommendation letter by the Head of the Institution/Organization is compulsory for Library use.